I’m someone who loves this kind of stuff. I’ve been writing out my new year’s resolutions for as long as I can remember (usually on a coffee shop napkin) but I have been documenting them on here since 2016. And while a lot of ppl could probably care less, I take this as an opportunity for reflection – what went well last year, what didn’t work, where can I make improvements? It’s a chance to look at growth + progress and on the flip side of that, were there any ‘failures’ that need to be addressed (or tossed out all together). I say failure in quotations, bc I was taught that any failures you may face are actually just a lesson that needed learning. I’d almost rather fail and learn 10 times quicker, than shoot to instant success (does that make sense?). My grandpa always told me that in life you can’t fail, only learn better for next time. The downside is short-lived, for long-term success.

To keep this post short + sweet, I want to stick to what I’m hoping to get out of 2022 but for my next post I want to share a letter I wrote to my 20-year-old self – things I WISH someone had told me, things I’ve learned through experience and pieces of advice I feel I could have benefited from over a decade ago. I know there are a lot of young women who read my blog, who are extremely entrepreneurial and ask for my advice all the time. So, I figured the best way to share what I’ve learned over the last 15 years, is to write a letter to the girl I used to be – back when I felt like I was drowning in the uncertainty of understanding my path.

Anyways, I’m rambling – here are my personal resolutions for 2022!

GET SETTLED: if you’ve been following over the last year you are well aware that we are in the middle of completing our home remodel. We’ve had delay after delay between city permits, covid & shipping, but were SO close it physically hurts. I know it’s going to take a while to get us settled-in but I can’t wait to finally lay down our roots in a home base we hope to be in forever.

TWEAK ROUTINES + LIFESTYLE: generally speaking, I’m pretty good at building good habits & daily routines. I’m a firm believer that these tiny little actions are what shape our lives. That’s why even though I am laser focused on the long-term vision, I understand that to get there I need to make strides each and everyday. It’s way less pressure that way! If I can focus on doing at least one tiny act each day, after the next 364 days – that’s a lot of progress. My routines have completely gone out the window since we’ve been out of our apt. I haven’t been exercising besides walking around the neighbourhood in the mornings, my eating has been poor, and I haven’t been taking that great of care of myself. Now that we’ve enjoyed the holidays, I’m looking to get that balance back and re-create the steps I need to take to feel my best. Which brings me to my next point…

SELF-CARE & MINDFULNESS: self-care (for me) goes way beyond bath time and good skincare, it’s about being mindful and aware of my thoughts. I am fascinated by the mind and how incredibly powerful it is. I’ve seen first hand where not being very mindful can get you. It’s something I think a lot of us don’t think about but once you start paying attention, it’s hard to go back. All the books I read are on the subject of philosophy, mental toughness and personal development. Like I said in the point above, since moving I haven’t been as proactive about this but I’m looking to make this a huge priority bc I KNOW it will shift my entire year.

ACTS OF KINDNESS: I’ve shared this one before, but basically I want to commit to doing at least two acts of service each month. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but again – over time. This could include making a small donation to a charity I’m passionate about, volunteering in my community, visiting my grandparents or just helping out a friend. I think it’s important to shift the attention off myself and figure out how I can be of service to others. Feels good.

EXPAND MY TEAM: this is one I’ve had on my list for YEARS. I don’t know why I’ve been so scared to actually pull the trigger but it’s time. I really really want to push past my fears + insecurities about being a business owner and really go for it this year. I’m going to do this by creating a plan for myself, my business and what I want my team to look like so I can put things into action. A lot of it is finding the “right” people but I’m confident that the universe will put the right people in my path, I just need to pay attention. In case you’re new here, I’ve been writing on my blog since 2014 while I was still working in Advertising – and until about a year ago I’ve been a one-man show. Being a “one-man show” isn’t necessarily something to be proud of. I mean, I’m proud of myself for taking it this far but I know if I truly want to get where I want I’m going to need to relinquish control and learn how to delegate. With a new home office space in the works, I feel like it’s the right time to bring in more help so I can focus on the big stuff, while knowing that the day-to-day is being looked after.

And even though 2021 wasn’t the greatest year for a lot of people, I am aware of the blessings that came out of this year too. Here’s what I’m grateful for from this last year:our health above all else!

a smooth & peaceful pregnancy
a partner who is fully invested & ready to help with whatever
finding a house that will serve our family for years to come
finding a team to help us build & execute our vision (for our house) and taking my 3,549,363 emails to get it right
the mending of relationships within my family
to have had the privilege of working throughout my pregnancy & take time off to enjoy our son
for brand partners who trust and believe in me to do my job
for an incredible partnership with Lark & Ives and my first line of vegan leather handbags
to have delivered a happy & healthy baby boy!

Wishing you all nothing but the very best (bc that’s all you deserve) and a happy + healthy new year!


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