I mentioned on my Stories the other day that I wanted to find a better, smarter way to store my fresh produce in the freezer. If you’ve been following for a while you know I’m a freak for my daily green smoothies (see recipe here) and one crucial detail is freezing all my produce:

  1. To keep it fresh, in the event we don’t get through it to avoid spoilage (RARELY happens).
  2. I’ve found that by freezing my spinach, kale and (very ripe) bananas, my smoothies yield a much better consistency (not runny or liquidy but smooth, frozen and creamy) making them more delicious.

After years of tweaking, this has been my recipe to successfully downing these things on the daily without feeling like it’s a chore. I could drink them without this step, but I would literally hate it. Today I didn’t have any bananas frozen — the most crucial ingredient — and they were way more ripe than I would ever normally have. I didn’t have any kale in the freezer either but I really needed a smoothie so I made it anyways. And it was awful.

Anyways! In the past we’ve made mindless purchases for items like ziplock bags or bringing those free plastic produce bags from the grocery store. I’ve really started to notice lately how much waste we produce. Even though it’s just the 2 3 of us in our little condo, we seem to somehow create quite a lot of waste. So, I had mentioned how I wanted to switch over to #plasticfree storage solutions and in a few moments heard from Stasher.

Stasher makes reusable storage bags that are eco-friendly, environmentally safe, and long-lasting, not to mention a smart alternative to plastic. Just one stasher can keep thousands of single-use plastics from going into our landfills and oceans. As if that’s not amazing enough, a few more reasons I love them:

+ airtight seal locks in nutrients/flavors/juices so your food always tastes fresh and delicious
+ use dry erase markers to label bags contents
+ dishwasher safe
+ microwave & oven safe
+ freezer safe
+ available in a variety of shapes and sizes

I’ve been testing mine out all week and have been loving them and we feel so much better making the switch!

Since the company is still growing, they are not yet shipping to Canada but don’t worry! They are available online at retailers like: Target, The Container Store & Amazon to name a few.


Images by Melissa Skoda 


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