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The month of L-O-V-E has got me wanting to surround myself with everything feminine and pretty, and pink! I’d be lying if I didn’t confess I’m a real girl’s girl and absolutely adore everything that comes with the notion of Valentines Day; the beautiful fresh flowers, hand crafted chocolates, love notes and tiny gestures of love & appreciation. My hubby always has the best surprises so I can hardly wait to soak up ALL his love and quality time this weekend.

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A special thanks to Beta 5, a contemporary and innovative chocolate & pastry shop located in Vancouver, for the signature box of chocolates they sent over just for the occassion! Happy Valentines Day!!

Ohh! While I have you – for everyone who has been asking on Instagram about my bag, it’s from last season but it’s the Kate Spade small Wellesley Quinn leather shoulder bag.


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