This is a common question I get all the time from new bloggers and people looking to get started… how do I reach out to brands? Sounds daunting but it’s actually really simple. In 2019, we are lucky to have tools like google and the internet to help in our quest to build relationships and get ahead.

Since this is clearly a popular question, I thought I’d put together a list of steps you should consider if you are trying to build up your connections with brands who you might choose to work with. Find my list below:

Blogging tips: how to reach out to brands


Find a contact: go to the company or brands website and scroll to the bottom of the page. There is usually a ‘contact us’ section that lists the PR rep and their email.

Introduce yourself & make a connection: some people use DM’s to introduce themselves on Instagram, but I would suggest sending an email instead. Not only will you get lost in their DM’s but doing business through IG just seems unprofessional. Find out who’s in charge of influencer marketing and send them an email.

Time is money: your email should be straight to the point. I get a lot of questions about how to reach out to brands — like what to say in an intro email. Be simple and straight forward. Let them know who you are and what you blog about (ALWAYS include links to your channels/work for easy reference, time is money!) and that you are a fan and would love the opportunity to work together in some capacity. Attaching your media kit is always a good way to stand out and gives them a quick snapshot of what they can expect from working with you.

Connect on the phone or in-person [in addition to email]: these days everyone is a blogger — getting out from your email and in front of someone is so valuable to building your relationship with the brand. Putting a face and a voice to the name/blog and allowing for that personal connection is powerful and usually will create more opportunities in the long run.

Show support: once you’ve initiated a connection and introduced yourself, what’s next is out of your hands. But there is something that you can make sure you do that will keep you on their radar and enhance your relationship moving forward. Show your support; on social – leave comments, like content, engage frequently. These little gestures show major support but also help to differentiate you and bring you top of mind.

Obviously brands want to work with people who get genuinely fired up about what they have to offer. So, it usually bodes well to be generally interested in what they are doing on and offline. It is after all, a relationship you’re building and a partnership is a two way street. Demonstrate that over and over and you’ll get the job.

Living in today’s ‘instant’ landscape, I feel like a lot of people expect things to happen overnight but reality is that it takes time. Like any other career, you have to pay your dues and hone your craft. Of course, in some cases people find quick success but what I’ve seen is that it’s often short-lived and ends up hurting your career in the end. I’m interested in long-term success, so for me it’s all about the slow and steady grind. Find what you love and chip away at it every single day to build the foundation of your dreams.

In case you missed my other posts focused on Blogging Tips, I’ve included them below:

Starting a Blog: Q’s To Consider
Blogging: How to Make An Income
Blogging: What They Don’t Tell You
Blogging: How I Manage My Time

If there is a specific topic you are interested in learning more about [I’m an open book!] leave a comment below and I will add it to the list of posts’ to come.


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