My favourite cocktails/beverages by far would have to be anything light, crisp and refreshing. Not too sweet, not too dry.

If you follow my Stories then you know all about the mint that’s overrun in our backyard. Yesterday I cut most of it, washed and froze it to use later. There was no way I could even image us getting through all that mint before it all went bad so this way we can keep it fresh and use it when needed. Don’t get me wrong, we love a nice bottle of rosé, blended margaritas, a cold beer but nothing tops a good mojito. We had some of the best (ever) when we were travelling through Spain for my 30th birthday a few years ago — so good, we would try to get the recipe out of the servers so we could try to recreate it when we got home.

Then one day out of a moment of sheer brilliance, my husband went one step further and made frozen mojitos — IS there anything better. I think not. Since my garden was bursting with mint and this weekend is a holiday long weekend (we in Canada celebrate Canada day on Monday) I decided it was perfect timing to make a big batch over the weekend. Find the recipe below:

Frozen Mojito Recipe:

2 ounces simple sugar / sugar water
2 ounces lime juice (1 ounce per drink)
2 ounces White Rum (1 ounce per drink, or as desired)
Lots of sprigs of mint

Blend + enjoy! Add mint for garnish and serve.

Wishing all my Canadian readers a Happy Canada Day and holiday long weekend!!!

Images by: Melissa Skoda



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