The holiday season is officially upon us with the arrival of (American) Thanksgiving tomorrow! I’m already so envious of all the turkey and stuffing and pies that I will be sorrily missing until I feast again come Christmas (Canada celebrates Thanksgiving weekend in October).

With the arrival of this holiday also means another annual highlight – Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales!!! Cyber weekend is only one sleep away and I’ve got you covered on the best sales and deals from all my our favourite retailers. But first, I thought I’d break down my strategy on how to tackle the sales over Cyber weekend:

Step #1: Note key dates:

Thursday, Nov 24th – select sales will launch for Thanksgiving
Friday, Nov 25th – I will be continuing my Friday Shopping List Series to include my top picks for Black Friday
Saturday, Nov 26th – keep checking back for new products added to my shop & a list of my top beauty picks and gift sets for Christmas
Sunday, Nov 27th – I will be sharing my top Cyber Weekend deals and top picks for the home
Monday, Nov 28th – The sales are continuing on right through the weekend to Cyber Monday so be sure to keep checking back for more updates and new favourites!

Step #2: Do your research:

Figure out what you’re shopping for. Are you buying for friends? family? in the market for a new winter coat? With all the sales going on it can be super overwhelming to snag the best deals. Here, I’ve made it super easy for you to cut through the noise and get everything on your list. You can find dedicated shop pages organized by category at the top of the page (see Holiday Shop at top of page), and there’s also a page dedicated to all my holiday gift guides so that you can easily access all my top picks and gift recommendations in one place.

Step #3: Save your pennies:

Set a budget for gifts (and splurges) and start saving! Cutting back on that daily latté or takeout is a great way to quickly round up some extra cash to score on the sales – hey every penny counts! I’ve created a ‘Holiday Shop’ to house all my favourites and top picks rounded up throughout the sales and holiday season. To help you save some time when shopping on a budget I’ve included gifts at all price points including under $50 and $100.

Step #4: Prep your list:

Make a list! Use my online shop as your guide to this seasons key trends to buy (at all price points).

Step #5: Shop! 

To shop my current favourites from today’s post simply click on the ‘+’ symbol on the graphic below:

Blush Silk Pajama Set | Rosegold Eye Mask | Tory Burch Blush Pearl Earrings | Rodin Lipstick | Candle Wick Trimmer | Diptyque Interior Spray | Aerin Candle | Fresh Sugar Advanced Lip Therapy Giftset | Chloe Change Purse |



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