Over the past few years we’ve made it a priority to be more conscious when it comes to using plastic in our daily lives and in our home. I’d say we’ve made steady progress but there’s still a lot to be done to improve.

We started small by switching from plastic tupperware to glass. We stopped buying plastic beverage containers (as much as possible) and have purchased reusable options, brands of which I’m sharing below. We bought some reusable shopping bags for the grocery store and even got mesh produce bags so we’ll never have to opt for those gross single-use plastic bags ever again.

Of course, we are only human and definitely far from perfect. Like I said, there will always be more to do and ways to be better. It can feel overwhelming, which is why we started small by tackling what we can within our own home.

As you know, I’m big on habits and this one is no different. Once you’ve made it a priority and built good habits, it’s like breathing in your sleep, you just do it automatically.


+ glass vs plastic tupperware: I obviously work from home but Roberto takes a lunch to work most days, of which he needs to take something to store it in. Not to mention leftovers, there’s no way I’d ever go back to plastic. Not only is glass better for the environment but it’s also BPA free and a much healthier option.

+ reusable vs single use shopping bags: most grocery stores in 2020 will no longer offer plastic shopping bags so we made the switch to reusable totes a while back. I found some great ones from Ikea but recently found out they were discontinued. I also ordered mesh produce bags on Amazon, too. The hardest part is remembering to bring them so I’ve gotten into the habit of leaving them in my car so there’s zero excuse.

+ reusable vs single use ziplock bags: I’ve been a long-time lover of Stasher bag and now that’s all we use at home. They’re great because they’re durable and come in all shapes and sizes. They are also dishwasher and freezer safe and are perfect for marinating. Highly recommend!

+ water bottles: I used to use swell or glass water bottles but my brother-in-law’s girlfriend bought me a pretty white hydro flask for christmas and now it’s all I use. They are fully customizable too, which is cool. I love tons of ice in my water and these keep it really cold and for HOURS.

+ to-go cups: we are huge coffee drinkers but to be honest have never found anything that really does a good cup of coffee justice. It just tastes better in certain cups, you know? Before the holidays I bought each of us a glass coffee cup from Indigo (brand is Joco) and we’ve never looked back.

+ back & support: brands, companies and shops who practice sustainability and a more environmentally conscious approach to business. It’s easy to get frustrated when the “right” way of doing things might cost a bit more $ but it’s important to remember, 1. it usually costs more to produce these types of products and 2. it’ll have a much greater impact in the long-run. Vancouver has even welcomed a few zero-waste grocery stores!



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