The holidays may be at home this year, but it isn’t all bad.. who doesn’t love keeping cozy and laying low with extra wine? Tonight, we are decorating our apartment and getting into the spirit over Sauvignon Blanc & our favorite spread.
It’s been a heavy year, so it’s been extra important to me to continue the holiday traditions we both grew up with. For decor – you know I like to keep things simple + understated, so I went with a vintage vibe incorporating a flocked tree, little houses and unique ornaments that are super special to us.
Since we are laying low with new Covid restrictions, we have been finding little ways to celebrate together and create intimate memories at home – despite it. Scroll down to get my tips on how we are making the most of staying put this holiday season.

+ wine & cheese night-in: grab a bottle of your favourite wine (we love this one) and round up a cheese plate. We love adding nuts, olives, cheeses, cornichon pickles, crackers and seasonal fruit to name a few. This is hands down the easiest way to feel like you’re getting a “night out”, in.
+ zoom wine night: since we can’t see anyone outside our home ATM, we started having wine night’s over zoom with friends + family. We set a time + a date, bring the snacks and catch up. Sounds lame but it’s a fun way to still keep connected.
+ dedicated time to decorate: this year has felt so blah, we decided to make the most of getting ready for the holidays by decorating together. Decorating is something I normally do solo (just because I’m usually decorating early bc of work) but this year I thought it would be fun to get into the spirit by making a night of it; pine scented candle lit, Christmas music on, wine chilled.
Happy Friday!
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