May Long

May long is finally upon us & its the perfect time to reset & recharge from all the daily demands of busy lives.The forecast for Vancouver isn’t so promising (rain all weekend) but the air is still warm & that doesn’t mean we can’t be hopeful that the weather we’ve been so spoiled with this past week won’t follow us into the long weekend. This weekend we’re inspired by pretty pastels & pink flamingos, rain or shine!

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The recent warmer weather totally inspired us to start cleaning out our storage for that perfect patio set, outdoor string lights and potted plants to spruce up your outdoor space & create an external oasis for the coming summer months. May long weekend calls for simple, no-fuss BBQ’s and fun, casual dinner parties complete with Buffalo Chicken Burgers (with crumbled blue cheese – recipe here), watermelon, and sweet and tangy Paloma’s on ice. Happy Victoria Day long weekend!!
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