Since life has shifted over the past few months, I have to admit it took me a second to get my bearings. Overall, I’d say I’ve remained very positive throughout this experience but it didn’t come without the occasional “off-day” here and there.

Normally, I have an arsenal of things that help get me back on track and feeling myself but under the circumstances, I’ve learned to create a new normal. One that serves all of my needs during the most uncertain of times. Sometimes just re-prioritizing your daily actions (however small) makes ALL the difference. And that has certainly been the case for me. It started feeling like my days were all rolling into each other with no break or separation, so I had to create some.

In my case that meant scheduling my day a little differently to create some better habits. So, getting out for a morning walk with my dog, doing my skincare each morning (regardless or makeup or real clothes), committing to 45 mins of yoga X3 a week & keeping well hydrated, working outside in the afternoons on my patio… all these little things — done consistently — have made me feel incredible.

Hoping these small tips might help out anyone who’s going through a tough time settling into this new norm.


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