A busy working girl myself, I don’t always have time to plan meals, let alone get all the ‘good stuff’ my body needs to get through busy busy days! So when Naked Snacks got in touch with me about testing out their new snack packs, it was a no-brainer. Here’s how it works:
Increased energy levels and improved focus are just a few of the benefits they pack up in each box, delivered right to my desk! It’s easy! All you need to do to get your first box is sign up, choose your preferred variety of snacks (each box includes a months supply of snacks – 5 large 150 gram resealable snack packs), and enjoy the benefits of your new found energy and brain power!
Naked snacks follow the 80/20 rule of snacking: 80% whole grown goodness, 20% reward for making smart decisions, promising healthy snacking options you can trust, without compromising on great taste. They believe that food = fuel and I couldn’t agree more!
Another reason I felt strongly about partnering up with Naked Snacks is the work they are doing in & around our own community. Naked Snacks proudly supports Breakfast for Learning – for every box they deliver, they donate to provide a healthy snack for a hungry child at school. So I say, let’s get snacking and help make a difference in Canada!
Use promo code ‘theworkinggirl’ at checkout to receive $10 off your first box!
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