Since Pantone announced their color palettes for 2016, I’ve been seriously crushing on the color of the year: Rose Quartz. I’ve been finding any excuse to sprinkle it through day-to-day life, including picking up fresh garden roses and wearing dusty pink tones from head to toe.

One of my favourite things to do is to stop in at one of the coffee shops in my neighbourhood to catch up on emails, plan out my week and grab a quick cappuccino to refuel. Especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed or a lack of inspiration I find that taking this ‘time out’ is a great way to get back on track of your next task. I’ve shared a few tips to keeping on task and on track below:

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  1. Take a breather: whether you are working from your home office, company office or your local coffee shop, staring into the abyss of your computer screen can certainly take a toll. I block out 2-3 mini breaks in my day planner to take-5, walk around the block and get some fresh air. I always return with a clear mind and reset focus. If something’s not working for you or you’re noticing your attention starting to shift, take a moment to breathe and reset.
  2. Plan it out: I write everything down in my day planner. Not only does it keep my appointments, meetings and deadlines organized, I like to keep a detailed schedule by week and by month so I can easily see any important upcoming dates at a glance. For an extra (digital) reminder, I also schedule important dates or notes in the iCalendar on my iPhone – if all else fails your alarm can alert you!
  3. Sweat every week: taking time to workout is the best way to decompress after a long hard day at work. I recommend trying ‘30 Minute Hit‘ for a 30-minute, high intensity (women’s only) boxing circuit. It’s the one workout I’ve been able to commit to because of my hectic schedule – this workout you are in-and-out in 30 minutes and can go as often as you can fit in.
  4. Think ahead: use your day planner to help organize your wardrobe for the week. On Sunday night, check your commitments throughout the week. This should give you a fairly clear idea of the types of functions you are scheduled to attend so you can plan appropriately (with time to spare).
  5. Get your beauty sleep: the best thing you can do each week to maximize your efficiency and keep on track with those goals you’ve set earlier this year, is to get at least 7 hours of undisturbed sleep each night. I wind down at about 10pm with a hot cup of herbal tea and give myself an hour to relax and start feeling sleepy before heading to bed.

Have any other questions for me? Feel free to comment below, shoot me an email ( or ask away on social. Thanks for stopping by!


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