They say the first year goes fast, and holy shit they weren’t lying. I can’t believe I’m the mom of a one-year-old! And while it’s crazy to think about where the time’s gone, this is exactly why we waited to have kids. We wanted to wait until we were in a position where we could fully enjoy it and be present. It was important to us both that we get ourselves established in our careers before brining a baby into the mix. Obviously, there’s no perfect time to have a baby etc. but I really wanted to have this experience be everything I envisioned it to be and that meant taking our time and being intentional with our planning. There will always be growth, and changes, and new opportunities that come up in business, but the experience of watching your first baby grow right before your eyes is something I know I’ll only experience once. I’m so happy with how everything has turned out, I literally feel like I’m living my dream (cliché as it sounds).
This past weekend, we celebrated Ryders birthday with family in our backyard and just like that, he’s one.
At one year old, Ryder is:
+ interested in everything I’m eating
+ crawling at light-speed, pulling himself up to stand but not yet walking on his own
+ laughing at the tv or other people
+ has learned how to stick his tongue out to get a reaction
+ says ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
+ sleeps 11-12 hours a night (2 2hr naps)
+ not into a soother but chewing on EVERYTHING (including daddy’s truck door & his crib)
+ has an independent spirit, but super snuggly especially mornings & nights
+ dances on demand
+ can clap, wave and blow a kiss
+ loves raspberries, olives, lamb, salmon, smoothies, eggs…
When I think about how much he’s changed over the last year, I’m so happy that I ended up taking my time jumping back into work, because ultimately I got time with him that Ill never get back. You can read, and prep, and plan until you’re blue in the face, but when your baby arrives, you just follow your intuition and go with it.

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