There are so many random things I have wanted to do, but never find the time. The week between Christmas and New Year’s is ‘that’ kind of time. The kind of time that feels like were all in some weird vortex where life starts to go insanely slow. FINALLY! A time where I can get to all these random tasks without feeling like I should be doing something else. Here’s what’s on the list:

+ de-clutter Christmas
+ organize the pantry & linen closet
+ map out completion of Ryder’s room
+ work on Ryder’s baby book
+ while I’m at it, sign him up for music & swim class
+ spend the day alone with my husband
+ go through my office & make donation of items we no longer need/use
+ get photos printed off my phone for photo albums & frames on our bookshelves
+ go through my inbox & unsubscribe to things I don’t even open
+ look into childcare for Ryder
+ source gardening pots for our front entry
+ map out our backyard garden plot & fire pit area
+ READ! I haven’t made much time for reading but that needs to change asap, just started Bethenny Frankle’s new book ‘Business is Personal’ & so far I like it
+ start making daily smoothies again
+ research what mattress we should get so we can finally get going on our bedroom
+ make myself a damn dentist apt


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