1. My second language is French & I went to a French Emersion school growing up.
  2. My sign is Virgo.
  3. I could live on Mexican food.
  4. The second internship I ever did was for a Guerrilla Marketing Agency in Times Square, NY. The [intership op] list we were given did not challenge me so I did some research & begged my university to grant me my credits working in New York. They said yes.
  5. I grew up on the west coast of British Columbia. Most summers were spent boating with my Papa + family going to/from Alaska & the Queen Charlotte Islands.
  6. I have 3 brothers & 1 sister. I am the oldest.
  7. My first job out of high school was as Franchisee of a Student Painting Company. I managed the South Delta region and managed 2 crews from Spring – Fall. Gave me a real taste of what it’s like to run a small business.
  8. I went to York University [in Toronto] for one year, post high school and discovered I am a west coast girl and moved back home, later enrolling at KPU.
  9. One of my favourite places I’ve been is the Giraffe Sanctuary in Africa. Need to get back there one day.
  10. I met my husband at university.
Images: Melissa Skoda



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