Posting these well into February but hey.. better late than never, am I right? It’s not that I forgot about them, I just wanted to take my time to make sure they still felt significant to me. I know from my polls over the holidays that goals and goal setting is a topic of interest so I figured I may as well share them here since I have every other year.
I’m not really setting ‘new’ goals this year but rather building on the ones I set previously and seeing how I can continue to grow from them. Ultimately, my goal is to create good habits for myself. By creating good habits I believe that I’m setting myself up to have; productive days, feel my best inside & out and work towards my goals in all areas of my life (health, family, business, home).
In 2019 I want to keep continuing on this path. Here are a few things I’m focusing on below:
Mind + body care: I want to continue to do things that clear my mind, ease any anxiety/stress and help contribute to me feeling my best. I have ZERO shame in taking the time to schedule in things like meditation, yoga, hot baths, face masks and lots of time outside to help with this. As busy people, I think we tend to view this time as a “luxury” or a “waste” but in my experience carving out that time makes me a much better, happier human in general.
Healthy meal plan: I demand a lot from my body each day so the least I can do is make sure I fuel it properly to do everything I want to get done. We eat clean and healthy throughout the week (lots of leafy greens & veg, quinoa, smoothies & juices, fish and plant based meals) and cut ourselves a little slack come the weekend. We naturally veer more towards healthy choices but we definitely indulge on weekends with dinners out, cocktails and dessert. All in moderation!
Exercise plan: I like to build a weekly plan, scheduled around my work comittments and taking care of Xavi. Having a loose schedule to follow makes it easier to follow through and manage my time. It’s also helpful for tracking purposes. Once you start to see the results it’s nice to look back at the progress and dedication it took to get there. I’ve taken a long break from workouts since the holidays but I’m sooo ready to get back into my normal routine again. To get started I’ve booked in 8 sessions with my trainer and will mix in my kickboxing in between for a well-rounded plan.
Be more present: how we spend our time is how we live our lives. I don’t want to ‘add’ to my life, I want to strengthen what I’m already doing. Part of that means being more present, putting the phone down in the evenings to spend QT with my family and have more clarity in the actions I take on a daily basis.
Regular date nights: this is something we are working on. We honestly enjoy our nights in at home, cooking together & watching movies so much we NEVER feel like we are missing out on. a. thing.
That being said, it’s only a matter of time before we are out numbered so before we make the decision to start our family we should really take advantage of all this freedom! This weekend, for example, the weather was horrible and we weren’t feeling up to going out so I went to a local German Market and picked up everything needed to make a simple, delicious charcuterie board. Paired with our favourite Spanish cocktail and a good movie, we were set for the night. It’s the little things that keep things fun and interesting so I want to focus more of my energy here moving forward.
Plan our next home: one exciting thing we are going to spend some time doing is finding our next family home. While we aren’t in a huge rush to move (we love where we live) we do need more space, so we are starting to slowly see what’s available in our market.
Start a family?: this one’s a mystery even to me because while we do want to start a family in the near future we are still stuck in our selfish ways, enjoying the peace, quiet and sleep. For now nothing’s happening but it’s on our radar now since both of us have become much more established in our careers.
End game: at the end of the day, my ultimate “goal” is to continue to take better care of myself, my mind, body and health. To push myself to make conscious efforts to mold my actions into better daily habits. I want a healthy lifestyle so that I can live a long life and be able to handle whatever it throws at me. I also want to set a good example for my future children and show them by my actions (rather than just my word) how to be happy with the life you create.
How are you holding up with your 2019 goals? Over it? Into it? I wanna know xoxo
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