Who doesn’t love a good organization system or two.. It’s no secret I like to keep a tidy household (when I can), but that requires a little help. When it comes to organization, I have a few tricks that definitely help:

+ purge & assess regularly: you can’t keep things organized if you don’t even know what you have. I try to take a look at what I have every few months, getting rid of / donating items no longer in use and keeping what still works for us. We live by a less is more approach in our home and try to only hold onto things that we truly love and use.

+ create categories: what helps me organize is to keep ‘like’ items together. So, for example; all my hair products live together, hair tools live together, office supplies lives together… you get the idea. Not only does this help you see exactly what you have but I find it extremely satisfying to see my things laid out neatly.

+ invest in organization systems & containers: there are endless systems and containers available on the market. It can be a little costly, but my advice would be to do a big clean-out, access what items you need to organize and figure out which containers you could use and re-use for years moving forward. IMO, it’s only a waste if you’re not going to utilize them in your space (over + over). Once you’ve invested in the systems that work for your household, there’s literally no end to how they can be used. I also find these to be useful for saving us a lot of space!




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1 Comment

  1. Perfect timing. Instead of starting the year organized. I tend to start making sure everything is organized before the new year. So during the winter holidays I keep my eye out for organization containers. I’ll definitely look up Amazon. But the clear system from Muji are pretty as well.

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