With American Thanksgiving kicking off tomorrow, another insane week of sales is upon us again. I know Black Friday (thru Cyber Monday) is a huge deal in the states. Not so much here, but since I know that many of you will be shopping the sales I thought I would note a few things going on this week.

The items I’m choosing to highlight are things I’ve worn or used recently and regularly. Others, are things that you wouldn’t normally just purchase on a whim. Bigger ticket items like puffers, luxurious blankets, beauty devices and small appliances — you know, all the fun extras but without the heavy price tags….

Lifestyle blogger Sydney Socias shares her strategy for shopping on a budget at HomeSense


Noize is offering up to 20% off. You’ve seen me wearing the Jordan Midweight Puffer (now $40 off) & the Bianca Midweight puffer (now $70 off) on my channels. I got a size small in both

The infamous Barefoot Dreams baby-soft blanket is $70 off

Beauty fridge (on my list) is $40 off

Barefoot dreams softest robe ever is $50 off

Calpak 5-piece packing cube set is 15% off

My Ray-Ban Round Sunglasses are $60 off as part of the SHOPBOP Buy More, Save More sale

Vitamix is $50 off

Our Dyson (V8 Animal Cord-free) vacuum is $150 off

Select Nespresso machines are $100 off

Clarisonic is offering 25% off site wide

Minted is offering 20% off all orders over $150 or 15% off everything

Will keep adding to this list as new things come up!


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