Lately I’ve been re-evaluating how I use my time. Juggling my business, family life and a four month old (energetic) puppy has been tricky but I feel like in the last couple of days I’ve hit a new stride. Health and fitness are important to me. Mainly because I view my workouts as a sort of therapy, working out any stresses and worries. During those workouts are usually when I’m hit with some of my best ideas, so to say that I’ve been making it a priority to get in at the very least a 30 minute high intensity workout is an understatement.

I’ve talked about the domino effect that fitness has on me, in terms of taking better care of my nutritional health. When I’m leading the active lifestyle I want to live, my nutritional health is also elevated – I crave fresh greens, steamed veggies, protein packed foods like yogurt & nuts, and down huge jugs of cold water all day long like it’s nothing at all. I’m no expert but for me personally, working out has always (as I’ve recently discovered) been the key to living my most fulfilled life. I feel better, I sleep better, my skin clears and brightens naturally, my hair and nails get stronger and longer (faster), I have a better, healthier outlook… it seems to really help in every area of my life.

The one thing that’s been a little tricky has been actually keeping up with eating enough. I know that sounds weird but honestly I love what I do so much I get lost in my work for hours. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve completely missed lunch or even breakfast because I’m working away at whatever project. It’s been challenging to keep up the protein and feed my body the calories it needs to replenish after workouts. Last week I picked up iögo‘s new Proteine yogurt and it’s been so convenient to keep on hand when I’m out and about, at my desk or to refuel after my workouts. I love the Black Cherry flavour (there are 4 delicious flavours: Black Cherry, Chocolate, Vanilla and Key Lime) and lately I’ve been dipping fresh fruit into my iögo Proteine yogurt for an extra naturally sweet treat. Every 125g serving is packed with 10g of protein, so I feel better knowing that I’m getting what my body needs to tie me over until the next meal.

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I’m interested to hear how you guys fuel your #iogopowerhour! Feel free to leave a comment below or msg me over on Instagram

Brought to you by iögo Canada


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