If you’re familiar at all with my Snapchat channel then you may have noticed that I can’t seem to get out of the gym lately. It’s not that I’m prepping myself for anything in particular (like a trip or a friends’ wedding), or that I wasn’t as active before.. I’ve been pretty athletic my entire life but these days I’m finding the gym to be my sanctuary. My happy place. A place where I can come and literally work-out my stresses or anxiety and instantly feel my worries evaporate. And sharing bits & pieces on Snapchat are my way of holding myself accountable by putting myself and my goals, out there. It would be a lot easier to just not share and stay quiet and at home when I feel sore to death and tired from a long work week, but forcing myself to keep accountable and put it out there has been the biggest sign of progress and results so far.

Lately I’ve been getting quite a few fitness-related questions on social (thank you!!), so I thought I would finally compile a post to address those questions. And please, if you have any that I haven’t already answered, please feel free to leave them in the comment box below.

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My tights | My Sportsbra | My Jacket: similar | My Sneakers 

Now before we dive into questions, let me first point out that I in no way, shape or form claim to be an ‘expert’ on the subject. Happiness comes from within – this I know to be true. And for me, health & fitness is more about feeling confident and good in my skin than it is about what society tells us is ‘perfect’. My aim by sharing this on my site is to promote a happy, healthy lifestyle in more ways than one; mind, body, and soul – not just body.

What do you do? Over time I have worked myself up to a routine of boxing/kickboxing x3 times per week (I go to 30-Minute Hit), and 2-3 days in the gym (I train at Steve Nash) doing strength training. My husband and I love to be outside and active whenever we can, so when I’m not in a gym we are most likely biking, hiking or enjoying the ocean at the beach by our house.

Why do you workout? I incorporate fitness into my lifestyle so that I can be the best version of myself. Period. Through keeping consistent I have seen major improvements to my sleeping habits, eating (and drinking water) habits and overall well being. I have way more energy and feel great and to me that is priceless. Also, as I get older (hitting 3-0 this summer) I’ve started prioritizing my health a lot more. I do not want to be one of those people that wakes up at 40 and suddenly has a million health concerns and issues to be dealt with. If I can help it, I’d like to be as preventative, healthy and happy as humanly possible.

How do you find time? I feel so lucky to have a schedule that I make, so I can fit in my workouts whenever works on that particular day. However, that never used to be the case. Even before I graduated University, I spent many years working full-time in an office getting my experience and then heading to school for night classes. So basically I worked 8:30 – 5pm then headed to school from 7pm – 10pm. I did that for a long time. It was insane and I have no idea how I even did it. After I graduated from University I landed my ‘dream job’ at an Ad Agency and was working an insanely demanding schedule so it’s always been a struggle to fit in exercise where I could. Back then I thankfully found 30-Minute Hit and started slow & steady. Because the workout is a 30-minute, high intensity boxing circuit I got the workout I so desperately needed (to unwind & tone up) but also in a time frame that was manageable for my hectic life. That was over three years ago and I haven’t stopped since.

Are you on a diet? I personally, do not believe in dieting. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle – so in our house we live by the 80% / 20% rule. All week it’s steamed veggies, fish or some type of protein & brown rice for us, which we really enjoy. Tons of water, smoothies, glowing green juices. Come the weekend, we go out to eat or things come up so we kind of go with the flow and enjoy our downtime. My husband and I believe if we can try to be healthy-ish for at least the week days then come the weekend we can enjoy that glass of wine or piece of dark chocolate or frozen yogurt. There are no rules or restrictions, but trying to fuel our bodies with what they need.

Whats on your playlist? This one is a funny question. Sometimes I’ll share what I’m listening to when I’m at the gym on snapchat and I’ve had so many people ask me for my gym playlist so here it is below. There is no way on earth I could get through half of my workouts without listening to music that gets me pumped up and in the zone, which leads me to a lot of gangster-type rap but it’s so good I cannot lie. That’s just me.

  • Drake: Hype
  • Drake: Grammys
  • Drake: Still Here
  • Asap Fergie ft. Futur: New Level
  • Fat Joe, Remy Ma & Jay Z: All The Way Up
  • DJ Khaled ft. Drake: For Free
  • Desiigner: Panda
  • Snoop Dogg ft. Wiz Khalifa: Kush Ups
  • Rihanna: Needed Me
  • Maino: Hear U
  • Futur ft. The Weeknd: Low Life
  • Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna: This is What You Came for
  • YFN Lucci ft. Migos & Trouble: Key to the Streets
  • 2 Chainz: MFN Right

Favorite gear? I’ve been testing out a few new brands to the mix, and currently loving RYU, Nike and GapFit. I can’t get motivated to workout unless I’m in some seriously cute gear, luckily for us there are a ton of great (affordable) options on the market right now. I’ve included a few of my current faves for you below:


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