Happy Thanksgiving!! We’ve been celebrating the long weekend with family and lots of rest, delicious home-cooked meals, and lots and lots of pumpkin pie. We live in Vancouver and the city is so stunning right now! All the leaves are changing fiery red and bright yellows before gently floating down to the ground, lining the sidewalks with happy, autumn colors. I love that we are slowly getting into the holiday months, starting with this long weekend marking Canadian Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving is next month). I love revisiting all the traditions we grew up with, and getting the chance to spend extra time with family and friends.

My little sister had a pro-d day on Friday so we spent the morning at the pumpkin patch, sifting through them all just to find the “perfect” ones to display on my back patio. I love to bake the seeds and sprinkle them with different seasonings and store in our kitchen for movie night snacks. There are a few recipes I have pinned to this board on Pinterest if you’re interested in baking some at your house.

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I found a similar trench coat to the one I’m wearing here for as low as $30 and linked a few options all under $50 below:

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!! xo


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