Everyone’s favourite sale of the year opens up to the public (it’s been ‘early access‘ all week for Nordstrom Cardholders) tomorrow morning!! Every year I spend hours going through Nordstrom’s website picking out all my favourite #NSALE summer items, transition pieces for fall, goodies for my home and beauty exclusives so that you don’t have to. If our taste is anything alike, I hope you’ll find a few things you like.

Even thought the sale doesn’t officially open to everyone until tomorrow, I’ve already gone ahead and linked all my favourites from Early Access, that you can find located in my dedicated #NSALE FINDS shop page. Everything is organized by category (including: clothing, beauty items, home goods, shoes & accessories and activewearand was designed to make it as easy as possible for you to browse and shop the sale. I should warn you that items are known to sell-out fast with this sale so if there’s something you really want I’d suggest snatching it up quickly before someone else does! I would recommend going through my shop page and save all your items in your cart overnight, so when the sale opens up tomorrow morning all you have to do is hit checkout. You can also shop directly within this post, at the shopping widgets below (to shop, simply click on the item photo & you will be redirected to checkout).

Today i’m sharing some great beauty finds, some of which I have tucked in my bathroom drawer and others that are on my wishlist:


For more beauty picks on sale, click over to my #NSALE BEAUTY shop page here.


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