Between life with a new puppy, work, getting sick and the snow storm we got over the past few weeks (..thankfully it’s all gone now, except for a few flurries today) ..I have to be honest, it’s been a challenge for me to keep on track with my workouts. I love to workout and have shared a couple posts explaining what I do and why it’s been such an important factor in my life but sometimes the hardest part is just getting there.

I’ve been getting a lot of interest lately about how I keep it up so I thought it would be fun to put together a new post to address those comments and questions. For starters, instead of putting extra pressure on myself I’ve started introducing simple new ways to keep active and on track even in the event I can’t make it to the gym. There’s nothing worse than the guilt of not following through with goals or to-do’s you’ve set out for that day but through lots & lots of trial and error, I’ve pretty much mastered what works for me and how to keep things moving forward so that by the time Summer rolls around (…it’s always closer than you think!) I’ll be right on track. Read on to learn what fitness tools I’ve been using to help get closer to my goals as well as a list of tips that have worked for me:

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First off, I recently introduced two new fitness tools to the mix to keep fitness and more importantly ‘routine’ top of mind. Both devices can be paired with your smartphone through their own apps that allow you to track your progress, set new goals, and keep tabs on your successes.

For all the times I couldn’t make it to the gym over the past couple weeks, I’m so glad I’ve had my Smart Rope to keep up with my cardio. Skipping is such an amazing workout in itself, I actually use to hate skipping but have come to love it since we skip a lot in boxing. If you’ve never heard of it before, its an LED-enable jump rope that wirelessly connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth for an “anytime, anywhere” kinda workout. It’s been working out so great since I can just pop out to the water while Xavi is napping and get a quick burn in. If you wanted though (and if you’re space allowed) I’m sure you could just use it inside. It comes in a zippered, nylon case to keep tidy in your gym bag and monitors other fitness data in real time including calories burned, your jump count, and workout time.

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Never thought I’d be one for Fitness Trackers but I recently got the Kate Spade Scallop activity tracker and have been finding it kinda fun (and helpful) to track my daily activity levels (including steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned and quality of sleep). It also allows me to set customized weekly goals so I can keep tabs on how much water I’m drinking per day and get reminders to take my vitamins.

Here’s a snapshot of some recent activity, both steps & sleep tracked:

A few other tips up my sleeve…
1. Start each morning with a glass of water & a squeeze of fresh lemon (…yes, before your coffee). I’ve found this clears my system to reset for the day and makes me feel great by the time I reach for my cup of coffee. If your schedule won’t allow first thing, try this again once you’ve settled into work (if you work at a desk type situation). I’ve been setting reminders on my Kate Spade activity tracker to drink 1 glass of lemon water first thing each morning AND set reminders as to how many bottles of water I want to refill throughout the day. Water is essential to our bodies and minds running smoothly so this one is key to setting the tone for good habits.
2. Block out time. I’m the kind of person who needs to simplify and set incremental goals bc sometimes, it all just feels like too much and never enough time. The truth is, there is enough time it just requires us blocking it out in order to make it happen. I have currently started blocking out X3 workouts per week ( & slowly getting back to my usual routine, 1 in the gym and 2 at the boxing studio). That being said, like I mentioned above life sometimes gets in the way so I’ve been making an effort to not stress about missing workouts, and instead I just try to get some sort of activity everyday… maybe I take Xavi for an extra long walk, or take my Smart Rope down to the boardwalk for some quick intervals or get my steps in by walking to meetings downtown instead of driving. It all counts!
3. Don’t give up! It’s so easy to throw in the towel once we get a bit off track – trust me when I say I’ve fallen way off the bandwagon millions of times but the important thing is to start again.
If you have any other questions or comments I’d love to hear them! Feel free to leave your thoughts below or as always you can also DM me on Instagram or send in an email to:
This post was brought to you by Best Buy Canada.
Photography: Allison Kuhl 

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