Today I’m excited to be partnering with HERSHEY’S Canada to cap off their summer s’mores Campaign #nocampfirerequired as we finish up what’s left of the summer season and head into fall. With back-to-school (and back-to-work) right around the corner what better way to end the summer on a (sugar) high note, than with one final summer bonfire, complete with everyone’s favourite HERSHEY’S s’more treat.

Since I was a little girl there have been so many countless memories made around the fire, making our s’mores creations. It’s a tradition that my family has enjoyed my entire life and one that I can’t wait to continue with my own little family.

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Summer’s not over yet! HERSHEY’S and I want to help you create some everlasting summer memories by giving YOU the chance to win your very own S’mores Kit complete with a portable s’mores maker (just in case a real fire isn’t an option!). To enter to win, simply follow on Instagram and leave a comment on my last photo. Good luck!

Brought to you by: The Hershey Company
Photography by: Amy Teixeira 


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