Happy Friday!! This week has honestly been the biggest rush. Many of the projects and partnerships that I’ve been working on for months and months behind the scenes have been coming to fruition lately and it’s honestly so exhilarating to finally see all the work come to life (stay tuned — will share soon). If I’m going to be perfectly honest, this week was also a bit stressful to say the least! With multiple projects on my plate, organizing the house (aka emptying out the fridge) and clearing my inbox for a month of travel, I’m only now finally feeling like I can start to get excited and relax a bit.

My husband and I are taking off to Europe tomorrow morning and usually about now I’m freaking out about overage charges and hidden fees for travel (tell me I’m not the only one). I’ve had a few past experiences that have left me feeling a little lighter in the pocket than I care to be. Even when I’ve taken the time to call the carrier company to discuss the best option for someone like me (who is constantly eating up data) when travelling abroad and still been burned when I got home to review my bill. So, when TELUS approached me to partner on their Easy Roam from TELUS campaign, it felt like a match made in heaven.

We have been planning and waiting for this trip for a loonnnnggg time and after all that waiting, its finally here. Lucky for me TELUS now offers International roaming packaging like ‘Easy Roam’ travel options (to over 127 destinations around the globe), so being away for a month (and documenting everything lol) won’t be bogged down by sky-high phone charges. You can bet I’ll be sharing highlights from our travels on my Snapchat channel and on Instagram. Below, I’ve included a breakdown of how I go about packing my suitcase and prep for travel in case you might be interested:

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#1: First things first, pick up magazines and stock up on in-flight entertainment (for me includes my laptop so I can work on the plane, a charged iPhone & Sudio rose gold earbuds for tunes & podcasts, and my brand new SS Print Shop travel journal to document notes & thoughts along the way)


#2: I bring my rolling rack into my bedroom and hang the items of clothing I’m thinking of brining. This makes it easy to plan outfits for different occasions by being able to see everything neatly hung in one place. I can push my ‘yes’ selects off to one side and nix what might be excessive (and let’s be honest, won’t even wear!)


#3: I then layout the staples, in this case; a stack of tanks and tees, jean shorts, a sun hat, lace-up sandals and a Spanish-inspired dress from Chicwish.

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#4: Next I pack up smaller items like my TruMarine Collagen on-the-go packs, so I can continue my home routine while travelling.


#5: Electronics are VERY important! Aside from the usual chargers (don’t forget your international outlet plugs), earbuds, laptop and iPad for the plane, my Fujifilm instax printer is small enough to get packed up for the fun. All you do is download the instax app and print photos directly from your camera roll. I can’t wait to use it when we are in Spain!

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As a thank-you for stopping by this post, TELUS and I have a little surprise for you in case you are doing any travelling of your own this summer! We are giving away a TELUS travel pack that includes a pure.gear Selfie Stick (I got this one for my trip!) and a Morphie Power Station Plus so you can stay charged up no matter what.

To enter; leave a comment below with you email address and info and be sure to be following myself ( and TELUS (@telus) on Instagram. Winner will be chosen at random next Friday – good luck!

Stay tuned for ‘my unpacked edit’of 5 key pieces for the Mediterranean, over on Siren Magazine next week where I will be posting as a guest writer!

Thank you TELUS for sponsoring this post.


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