Model UN:

The first time I went to New York, I was in grade 11 on a school trip for Model UN. I didn’t even realize the significance of standing in the United Nations building, I was more fixated on the energy of the city and the lights of Times Square.

The Intern:

Fast forward to 2008. I [had JUST met my future husband] was studying Business and in the middle of doing my co-op program that the university offered. Basically you enrol in the program and throughout the year, you complete certain requirements like:

+ how to build an interview package; resume, cover letter etc.
+ how to sharpen your interview skills
+ basic interview 101, do’s & dont’s

On top of that, you are also required to complete a (paid) work-term at a standing business. The school would provide us a list of active positions that companies were looking to fill, you would apply if interested, potentially be selected for interviews with the hope of getting the job. BUT, my second work term didn’t have any options on the list that got me excited.

So, I did some digging on Google and came across a company that coordinates students all over the world with internship posting opportunities in North America. I saw one opportunity to work in New York and thought, why the hell not?

I applied, got accepted and started combing for jobs. Long story short, I ended up getting a job at a Guerrilla Marketing firm located right in Times Square by the Coca-Cola sign. My girlfriend ended up coming with me and working for a firm on Broadway so we lived together for the summer at NYU’s campus by Union Square. That summer literally felt straight out of a movie.


Since then I haven’t been back to New York much except the past two summer for work with my partnership with Eos. Both times were again, so different and so special.

I feel so lucky to have had these opportunities to visit New York. Each time I’ve visited I’ve been in a completely new phase of my life and each experience has been unique and held its own unforgettable memories.

* * * *

New York is just one of those places that holds a special place in so many’s hearts. I know I’m not alone when I say I will be thinking of New York, especially today, with a heavy heart. May we never forget what happened, how could we possibly?


1 Comment

  1. Would love to read a post about that movie like summer in NYC! Always was a dream of mine to live there.

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