Trust me when I say that I’ve fallen off the wagon more times than ten. It’s easy, you make the decision to miss one workout which leads to the sliding of others and before you know it a whole week has gone by without one trip made — at this point, what’s the point? I’ll start again next week. I get it. Life gets busy, days get short and it feels like your racing the sun to see who makes it home first.

I don’t know about you, but over the years I’ve come to learn that when I let my workouts slide, everything else kind of follows to the wayside. Working out isn’t only physically necessary for my sanity but it’s mental. So, it’s especially crucial that I stay motivated to keep going when the going gets tough (…and the days get shorter, and darker, and colder). 

Scroll down for my list of motivators that keep me moving forward:

  1. A good playlist: music is key to workout success. There’s no way in hell I’m giving my all to music that puts me to sleep. Everybody has their vices and what works for them, for me I need rap. I’m currently listening to the new Lil’ Wayne & Nicki Minaj albums.
  2. Proper hydration + nutrition: when I’m eating clean and well and getting lots of fresh water daily I feel my best. Having already put that effort into my day makes it that much easier to make the decision to follow through with daily exercise so I can work towards my best.
  3. Weekly targets: I like to breakdown my exercise routine on a weekly basis. Thinking in larger time frames can sometimes freak me out or seem more overwhelming so I like to break it down into smaller chunks so it feels easier to tackle. I aim to get in 3 workouts at Steve Nash Fitness Clubs and 2 workouts at 30 Minute Hit (Boxing/Kickboxing Studio) every week.
  4. Keeping a calendar: because I’m a neurotic planner and need to have things written down on paper, every month I print out a iCalendar so I can visually keep note of events, meetings or campaign live dates at a glance. I started marking an ‘X’ on the days I put in a workout so each week I could see what I made happen and what I let slide. At the end of the month it’s good to clearly see the work I’m putting in. Again, for me fitness is more mental than physical, but it’s nice to see my consistency and that I can set a goal and achieve it without falling to distractions or excuses.
  5. Fresh gear: no doubt, a highlight to getting to the gym is good gear to match. These days there are lots of options and so many good ones. I live in active most days, unless I have a media event or something requiring me to actually get dressed. I love the athleisure trend bc I can go from my morning workout to the grocery store and lunch/errands, all while looking presentable. I’ve linked a few of my favourites below in case your in the market.




Images: Melissa Skoda


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