When it comes to being active, it can be tough to keep up all the hard work when it’s starts getting colder in the mornings and darker earlier in the day. If you’re not careful it could totally derail your progress .. *ahem, speaking as an expert – I tend to let my workouts slide when things start to get a little uncomfortable. Knowing this about myself, I’ve set up some steps that help me transition with the season.
Scroll down for 5 changes I’ve made to ease into my fall workout routine:

Tights | Pullover | Shoes | Bag | Tassel Keychain

  1. Get organized: if you’re planning a workout before work, lay out your gear the night before so there’s no guesswork/procrastinating in the morning. If you’re planning a workout after work, pack your bag with all the essentials (change of clothes, sneakers, water bottle, power bar, extra charger so there’s zero chance of having no music to listen to aka another excuse NOT to follow through with your workout!).
  2. Clock your rest: one major fail I make time and time again is to not allow myself the rest my body needs. Now that were getting into (colder, darker) winter months, it’s extra important I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to avoid feeling groggy or tired the next day… curbs me “finding” excuses to not workout.
  3. Mix up your diet: find foods to incorporate into your diet that promote clean eating and that will help feed your muscles and fill you up. A couple of my favourites are sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli because they are delicious, packed with vitamins and are super easy to make. When it comes to eating right, the truth is you have to train your body & mind to enjoy healthy foods and find ways to make them that you will enjoy. I feel the best when I’m eating clean and it shows in my energy, mood, quality of sleep etc.
  4. Update your playlist: there’s literally nothing worse than getting to the gym and learning your music isn’t working. That’s why I always keep an extra charging pack in my gym bag just in case my phone is about to die. Updating my playlist every couple months is crucial for me, I MUST have good music or my workout will suffer.
  5. Invest in layers: summer is long gone and the mornings (& evenings while were at it) are starting to get colder and darker, so nows a great time to invest in some athletic layers. I picked up this cozy pullover from H&M a few days ago and so glad I did, its perfect to throw on when I’m running out the door in the morning.



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