This year my beautiful country is turning 150 and I can honestly say I’ve never been more proud to call Canada home. At the time, growing up in Vancouver I don’t know that we (my brothers & I) knew exactly how lucky we were but the older we got and the more we travelled, we really developed a strong appreciation for living in such a diverse, open-minded, beautiful country.

When we were kids we used to spend our summers off school boating down the coast to Alaska with our family. We basically lived on the water and beaches; building forts, gathering wild berries, watching for bears and eagles and whales.  Then once we were in high school, we started travelling more overseas and packed up and moved to the South of France for a couple months before travelling the rest of the year through Europe. Visits through SouthEast Asia, Kenya and Egypt meant getting out of our comfort zones giving us a real perspective on just how good we’ve got it back at home.

Now as an adult, as cheesy as it sounds I’m soooo thankful everyday to live and come from such a beautiful, loving part of the world. I couldn’t be more grateful and excited to think that I will raise my own little family here, with the freedoms that I enjoyed growing up. Happy birthday Canada!! You’ve never looked better!

This year for Canada Day long weekend we are currently kicking up our feet on the Gulf Islands. What are your long weekend plans?

Happy 150th Canada!



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