My skin has been a topic of conversation on my blog for a whiiiiile now. Simply, because it’s important to me. It’s been and continues to be a long journey but over the past couple of years I’ve learned a few things  and have slowly been getting to know what works best for my skin. You can read up on my skin story here and how Project Skin has helped work with me over the past year to reach the results we’ve achieved now.

I think it’s safe to say that we all want a bright, clear complexion – healthy, hydrated summer skin. Below I’ve shared a complete breakdown of the products I use every day (and have for the past two and a half years, with minor tweaks) that have worked for me along with some do’s and don’ts to achieve the greatest results. I would like to note that I believe and have experienced that our outer beauty is a reflection of our inner beauty so in addition to a solid skincare routine, keeping a healthy diet (+lots of water) is also key to getting a clear complexion. Read below for my daily skincare routine:


– Wash: wash face with Skinceuticals Simply Clean pore-refining face cleanser
– Cleanse: using Skinceuticals C E Ferulic daytime vitamin C serum. Cleanse 4-6 drops over entire face to improve the appearance of lines /wrinkles, loss of firmness and to brighten skin’s complexion
– Nourish:
under eye area with Skinceuticals Eye Balm. The rich, hydrating crème helps reduce puffiness & improves visible signs of aging around the eye area
– Hydrate: 
with Skinceuticals lightweight, long-lasting Daily Moisture face moisturizer
– Protect: using Skinceuticals Physical Matte UV Defense SPF 50



Wash: wash face with Skinceuticals Simply Clean pore-refining face cleanser
– Cleanse: 
using Skinceuticals Retexturing Activator serum. Cleanse 4-6 drops over entire face to exfoliate skin & replenish moisture for a smooth, radiant complexion 
under eye area with Skinceuticals Eye Balm
– Hydrate: 
with Skinceuticals Face Cream moisturizer to combat visible effects of collagen breakdown & moisture loss




Eat/drink junk: sugar might taste good in the moment, but it does NOTHING for our bodies. Instead try to fill and nourish your body with good fats and healthful, whole foods. Skip the sugary drinks for a protein packed smoothie or yummy juice. This doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming, I have been trying to share more of what I personally do at home to curb my cravings on my Instagram Stories, so if this interests you check back for updates.

Stay up late: not only will you suffer the consequences the following work day, but the quality and length of sleep you get each night can have a profound impact on your skin’s overall health. Project Skin is a great resource if you have any specific questions relating to beauty sleep or how you can improve your own skincare routine.

Get carried away with the cocktailing: I am all for creating and enjoying beautiful cocktails all summer long, but I do take note as to how often I’m consuming alcohol. Alcohol actually dehydrates your skin and is one of the most aggressive compounds to destroy your skin. If my mom taught me anything it’s if you’re going to drink, drink water with it!


Drink your greens: I’ve talked at length on the blog about this topic & thinking I might start sharing my smoothie & juicing recipes on the blog soon for a more visual breakdown. Beauty begins on the inside, meaning that its important that we nourish and take care of the inside of our bodies as much as we tend to take care of the outside. Let me know if you want my go-to green juice recipes.

Hydrate with water: to make things easy I keep a 1L bottle filled with water in the fridge so theres always cold water on hand. When I head out the door, I take my water to-go, so there are no excuses even if I’m working on the road.

Sweat: regular exercise always makes me feel 100 times better. It sets everything in motion for me to drink more water, eat more greens, get more sleep – in my mind it’s the key to aligning everything else!

Get your beauty sleep: think of sleep as nature’s most powerful beauty treatment. Not only does a good nights sleep leave you looking luminous, but a lot of hair and beauty products are actually most effective overnight because they penetrate better when you’re at rest. Bottom line is, when we are well rested we look and feel better so why not strive for the best?

Use an SPF: I use to despise hearing ‘put your sunscreen on!’ from my mom as a child but now I praise her for harping on me for all those years. SPF is the best and only actual anti-anger in terms of preventing premature wrinkles. I started taking extra precautions (especially to my face) after being diagnosed with Malasma a couples years ago – happy to say after working with Project Skin over the last year my Malasma has pretty well disappeared so I’m using this opportunity as a second chance to take the best care of my skin that I can.

Follow a regular routine: before I ever tried skinceuticals I didn’t really know what was working or not working for me at all. Instead of following a regular routine I would keep changing little things here and there which prevented me from getting that end result I was hoping for. I’ve been using Skinceuticals products for over two years now and can confidently say that it has improved the overall look, feel, resilience and appearance of my skin.


If you caught my recent trip to Project Skin (visited the Richmond Centre location) on stories, the treatment I got (full customized Skinceuticals facial + MAX Light Therapy treatment) is currently on promotion, so give them a call to inquire if you’ve always been curious but hesitant to try. I would highly recommend both Project Skin & Skinceuticals products & treatments.

Project Skin (Richmond Centre Location): 604-285-8115

Project Skin (South Granville Location): 604-732-0800


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