If you had asked me a week ago, I would have told you we’d still be travelling to Europe in May. In fact, that’s exactly what we told my family last weekend when we were out to dinner celebrating my brothers birthday.

We had heard about Italy but had decided that unless things got even worse, we would for-go that leg of the trip but still go to Paris & Spain. That was a week ago. The days following only got progressively worse with fatality & infectious rates rising, sending the world into a state of chaos.

It’s one thing to hear about it on the news but once we started seeing full aisles in the grocery stores empty, it got kinda hard not to feel a bit panicked. I’m sure everyone has gotten to a point where they kind of realized just how serious this has gotten and still could get.

At this point, I’m almost certain that we won’t be travelling to Europe this Spring. Which makes me so sad when I think of all the amazing wine, photo ops and carb loading I had planned down to the T….. but ultimately, I don’t want to be going all the way to Europe to feel worried the whole time about contracting something or getting sick. Better to be safe than sorry. We can always reschedule.

Just an observation, but I also feel like once the world sort of understood the severity of the matter it’s sent everyone into full panic mode. Although this whole thing has been so crazy and clearly something out of a movie, I have to say that I don’t feel panicked. Feeling helpless and panicked won’t help and while we are staying informed i’m also not making a habit of watching/listening to the news 24/7. This too shall pass, but it’s important that we all keep our distance and do our part to protect ourselves and others.

Since we’re all basically on lockdown for the next week or two, here are some things I’m doing & taking advantage of with this extra time at home!


Note: I’m not one of those crazy ppl loading up the whole house with toilet paper and I don’t think we need to be buying up stores like it’s Armageddon. We are getting what we need for the week, in case we want/need to lay low but otherwise do not panic!

+ grabbed all our fave snacks, water, fruits/veggies to hold us over
+ made sure we have at least one hand sanitizer around & some disinfectant wipes (for things like door handles, computers, phones, remotes etc.)
+ ordered Fresh Prep meals for delivery (so I don’t have to think)
+ cleaned the house & made our living space super cozy


While everyone is out panic stricken, we are sitting back and relaxing at home. Crisis or not, I always make sure to set the mood in the room were spending time in, by doing little things like lighting a beautiful candle and turning the fireplace on.

+ light a candle
+ fireplace on (if you have one)
+ cozy blankets on hand
+ get ready for robe-life


My daily work schedule won’t change too much (since let’s be honest, most of it is spent from home anyway), but any extra time I get I want to spend productively. Might as well get a few more things off my list while I’m subjected to my house. Here’s a list of some things I want to get done;

+ prepare my taxes
+ clean out under my bathroom sink
+ re-organize my closet
+ go through all my new beauty products
+ clean out my bedside table drawer
+ make turkey meatballs to freeze
+ tidy up our back patio

How are you feeling about everything that’s happening? I don’t have all the answers, but know I am here if you need support!


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